Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blog #10 Closing

Homer dealing with his Id and his Super Ego

There so much things that I've learned from General Psychology like knowing if I'm right or left brained, right brained for being creative and left brained for being analytic. I also learned about the spacing effect in study habits which makes more easier for me to prioritize my study for each day there is an allotted time like instead of having 4 hours of study time in just one day why not studying for 1 hour in each day before the exam date. I've also learned about the Id, Ego and the Super Ego the id which means that only relies uncoordinated instincts or let's say id is the childish party of you while ego refers to reality and super ego refers to your critical thinking or mature part of you. One thing I've also learned is about Dominant and Recessive traits in which the phenotype (physical traits) and the genotype (genetic traits) came from our parents or even older relatives. I've also learned in psychology that in every dream there is a certain meaning for it that applies in reality.

Those are some of the concepts that I've learned from General Psychology under Ma'am Braga and I'm very thankful for it. So that ends my whole blog I hope you guys have also learned from me, these are all based on my own perspective.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blog #9 Reaction towards Sex Change/Gender Identity Disorder

I don't see anything wrong about the video about sex change since we're all just the same human beings, they all lived a happy and normal life. We shouldn't judge people who are gender x. The people in the video who has undergone sex change seems to be functional as normal genders which is male and female. The case of having a gender identity disorder is much more complicated except for the person in the video who is actually satisfied with himself that he wants to do both ways.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog #8 Defense Mechanisms

My own experiences of using defense mechanisms


The moment that I got over my crush by just not even trying to think about her and try to focus in my studies which somehow helps me to become more productive because I think I find of her as a distraction than an inspiration


I made a joke about my classmates that I failed inorganic chemistry, taking it lightly and being positive instead of being so negative that I'll just take the subject again for the summer class.


When I was in high school I didn't know how to drive yet so I was like it's okay since I'm really good at racing games or stuff like that.


I saw a good friend of mine who just let his other classmate copy her answers in an exam which not cool at all.


There was this one time when I was a child that I peed on my bed and I just forget about it when I grew older.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blog #7 What makes a "genius"?

"The case of Jack Andraka and Lauren Marbe"

Jack Andraka is a young inventor, scientist and cancer researcher who developed a cheap and effective method to detect the increase of a protein that indicates the presence of pancreatic cancer. He won the grand prize Intel International Science and Engineering fair. He is only 17 years old and has an above average IQ.

While Lauren Marbe on the other hand who is also a teenager who scored a 161 IQ level in the mensa test which higher than Albert Einstein's and yet She's a fan of fake tanning,blonde highlights and She is also a singer in short She's much more of a showgirl than a genius.

So what makes a true genius? In my own opinion a genius is much more a curious person who wants to discover things or formulate new ideas. A genius has a sense of passion like Albert Einstein who never stop working on his research in which He makes a lot of sacrifices especially time wise. A genius is also imaginative or thinks outside of the box like Jack Andraka who discovered the method do detect pancreatic cancer, despite the fact He is too young to be scientist, many PhD's denied or didn't give any attention to his proposals and yet He never gave up on his work. What's the use of having a high IQ level if you're not gonna make a good use of it?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Blog #6 Study study study how to even study!

I don't have my own accurate study habits but somehow I use my time management in my studies and keep them as my top priority. I failed to develop my study habits when I was in high school, much more of a come and go person.

But now that I'm a college student things are gonna get a little different because studies are a lot more harder. I take notes to my lectures or subjects most of the time even if they're not major subjects. I don't always read textbooks especially if it is not recommended or required by the professor. I do my leisure first than my studies most of the time which not good. Even though the major exam is scheduled a week ahead I still think or imagine to myself that the exam is tomorrow just to keep myself motivated somehow. I prefer to sleep than to stay late at night just to study because the last time  I did that my performance was far more worse. I drink some coffee and eat some chocolates or any sweets when I study but in moderate amount so I won't crash.

So that's all for today's blog post and I'm still looking forward for more improvements in my study habits.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog #5 I have a dream...

A dream is a series of thoughts, images and sensation occurring in a person's mind sleep. I do experience dreams every now and then but I disregard them most of the time as if they don't mean anything when I was just a little kid. We don't know how dreams are started they always happen right somewhere in the middle which also according to my experience.

I had a dream about falling off a roller coaster ride then I woke up afterwards .I had a dream about a giant ogre (not necessarily an ogre but some big guy) chasing after me up and down our house and my heart was pounding like crazy! My heart was still pounding when I woke up and felt exhausted. I had a dream that I died by a gunshot even though it really doesn't reoccur to me that much. I had a dream of taking a test not sure what was the test all about though. I had a dream about my crush which not much of a big surprise since I think about her now and then. I dreamt about my crush liking me back and I think it seems impossible in reality it may be kind of a good thing for me but I prefer to move on and stop wasting my time however some people say "If you can dream it you can do it". I took some researching the meaning about my dreams and some are quite surprising like Chase dreams signify fear, avoidance, lack of confidence and they way to conquer it is finding out who's chasing and confront why is he chasing you to gain understanding and make a solution to that problem.

Dreams do have their own meaning after all. It is something that we can reflect on, conquer what's wrong or missing with our lives, goals we want to fulfill or achieve so there's nothing wrong with dreaming at all. This ends another blog post hope you guys will always have sweet dreams.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blog #4 New year, New life

Happy New Year! 

Hello again! So basically another year has passed by and I am somehow looking forward to grasp more great opportunity that awaits. If I have to recall last year 2013 was actually great overall because of the great opportunities that I've taken and as far as I can remember I don't regret any of them perhaps the only regrets in life are the chances or opportunities that you didn't take.

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions myself because I believe that you can change anytime you want, I just want to be much more of a positive person nothing too special but there are some plans I have in mind like developing my study habits, playing less video games and prioritize more the important things like family, friends and studies, I even started having a much more healthy lifestyle like excersing daily, healthy diet since the sembreak 2013 and become consistent with it, I'll do my best in my school activities to have good grades.

I already know my true identity or who I really am but it feels that there is still a small percentage that is missing or maybe it just needs more improvement and that is way I should take more great opportunities to pursue and value them. I also have my religious beliefs which is Roman Catholic but my other belief is that it's about religion that matters it's about your relationship to God and the good values you have. I don't have political views however I'm looking forward to have one because
I'm not that much interested in terms of politics. I also to engage in sports or any physical activity, learn how to play a guitar and do household chores.

So this ends my blog post hope you guys also have your future plans for this year, I wish you all good luck and a Happy New Year!